Getting Connected To Your, Not So Local, Radio Station!

There are now a myriad of radio stations that can be heard via the internet. Speech, music and sport are all available in abundancy.

Music stations often specialize in a particular musical genre. The end result is, despite the greater availability of stations, a unavoidable fracturing of the listening audience. However, this can be to the benefit both of the listener and broadcaster, who can really keep in tune with each other.

In past times, before the internet age, and with just a few national stations here in the UK, it was very difficult to get a mention or have a musical request played. Now it is quite different. The stations are also much more listener friendly.

Anyone wishing to really get involved with a particular station, now has every opportunity to do so. Telephone lines may be available to a live station, and emails are invariably invited. I usually get an email mentioned within half an hour! The fastest response from my laptop, via my own internal wireless connection, then the internet, has been five minutes! On another occasion, i enquired whether a station had a lesser known record, issued on vinyl thirty-five years ago. They were not sure but would play it they had it. A short time later another listener visited the station and gave them a copy of the disc!

Now that's what i call an interactive, friendly station and long may it last.